- React JSX Element & Rendering Elements 🚀
- React Components and Props Core Concept 🚀
- React State & Lifecycle in Class Component 🚀
- React Event Handling & Control Re Rendering 🚀
- React Conditional Rendering, List and Keys 🚀
- React Form Handling - Controlled vs Uncontrolled Component 🚀
- React Lifting State Up - Only depend on Celsius Not Fahrenheit 🚀
- React Composition vs Inheritance 🚀
- React Higher Order Components (HOC) 🚀
- React Render Props 🚀
- React Context API - How to use React Context API 🚀
- React Context API - contextType & useContext hook 🚀
💚 useState 💚 useEffect 💚 useCallback & useMemo 💚 useRef 💚 useReducer 💚 CustomHook