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PintTheDragon edited this page Jul 30, 2021 · 4 revisions

SCPStats - Setup

Plugin Setup

Once you have installed the plugin and restarted your server and confirmed that it has loaded (it will say it has loaded in console) you now need to register your server(s).

NOTE: You MUST register each server individually if you have more than one!!! You CANNOT use the same ID and secret for multiple servers! (Your computer will explode 100% for sure guarantee most definitely if you use the same id/secret for more than one server!)

To register your server(s) go to and input the appropriate name for your server(s), you cannot change it after. You should now see the name, ID, and secret for your server(s). Leave this tab open for the time being.

Now go to your server folder and navigate to EXILED/Configs/SCPStats/. There will be two files with the server port, one for the secret and one for the ID. Copy the ID from and paste it in and save, do the exact same with the secret in the other file. Remember to NOT share these!

Your server is now set up for stat tracking! It will record player stats and add them to global stats.

Continue to the next page for info on Discord setup.