This project shows a simple integration of Keycloak 4 in Spring Boot 2 applications.
The following versions are used:
- Docker: 18.03.1-ce
- Docker-compose: 1.21.1
- Apache Maven: 3.5.3
- Spring Boot: 2.0.3.RELEASE
- Keycloak: 4.8.3.Final
First Keycloak and the database needs to be started via:
docker-compose -f keycloak/docker-compose.yml up
Use that URL in your browser to access the administration console of Keycloak.
It is located at http://localhost:8180/auth
. Connect using the Keycloak default administration user
[if it's the first time you login. Keycloak requires changing this password at first login. Since I mentioned it in docker-compose file this can be skipped]
Create a new Keycloak realm by importing the /keycloak/config/realm-export.json
Create two users 'alice' and 'cooper' with student and teacher roles respectively.
After Keycloak started successfully, you can start the Spring Boot application in a separate terminal via
mvn package spring-boot:run
It is accessible on http://localhost:7070/management/v1/students. After accessing this url, the login page from Keycloak shows up. Use the credentials of a user(cooper/alice). Signing in with that user should redirect you back to the application, where as if the user has restricted access forbidden is shown.