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Nail Adaptation

Ai Austin edited this page May 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

Roth2 v1 (Roth 2.0 RC#1) Blender Dev Kit file (in archive-ruth-rc3 branch /Mesh/Avatar Roth/Release/osRoth2_CurrentRelease_DevKit_RC#1.blend ) incorporates fingernails and toenails suitable for Roth2, but those will need adjustment for the new Roth2 v2 mesh (target is Roth2/Contrib/Ada Radius DRAFT7).

At 19:40 6-May-2020, Sundance Haiku wrote: Wonderful to hear you are close to finishing up a Roth package. You are more than welcome to use Ruth fingernails for Roth. Use the short fingernail for the hands. They are not gender specific and should work fine?

It shouldn't be a problem to adjust them to fingers. There are a couple of ways to do this. I think what I might suggest is to create separate objects, separating each in Edit mode by using "P" Once you have them as a separate objects, position each on their respective fingers.

Once that's done, go into Pose mode and make sure they are moving correctly with the fingers. Then combine the objects into one. This is just a suggestion. You may have a more efficient way of doing it.

Same work flow with toenails. Use the nails for flat foot. Again, they are not gender specific and should do the job.

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