This package is meant to provide the functionality of creating an orocos package ready to be compiled with the colcon-ROS2 build system.
The only command that can be invoked is orocreate-colcon-pkg
the basic use is
ros2 run rtt_ros2_pkg orocreate-colcon-pkg pkg_name
Please refer to the help for more info
ros2 run rtt_ros2_pkg orocreate-colcon-pkg --help
To generate a package named test_pkg
with a sample compenent and the minimal deployment files, in a src
it suffices to execute the following in the root of a colcon workspace
ros2 run rtt_ros2_pkg orocreate-colcon-pkg --create deploy component -d src test_pkg
colcon build--symlink-install
source install/local_setup.bash
To deploy, the lua file can be invoked direclty (and interactive shell being available)
rttlua -i `ros2 pkg prefix test_pkg`/share/test_pkg/scripts/deploy.lua
OR via the generated launch file
ros2 launch test_pkg