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HOWTO: integration with Knockout Validation plugin

ichepurnoy edited this page Jan 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

This applies to users of Knockout.js + knockout validation plugin.

Inside your ko.validation.rules[] extender you can use external library, like jQuery Inputmask , to do actual validation. We 'll be validating a phone with [auto-selection of] multiple masks.

Note: it's just an example, may be inefficient, just shows some opportunities. See full example at Jsfiddle, and read its comments. It's showing the country your phone is from, + a country flag with a bit of tweaking.

Basic steps are as follows:

  • we include libraries, tested on:

jQuery, knockout 3.4.0, knockout-validation 2.0.3 jquery.inputmask 3.2.7 (earlier versions are not advised, see comments in the fiddle) phone-codes.js for jquery.inputmask flag-icon-css (

  • we apply Inputmask to our input:

          //Inputmask('phone').mask('#forinputmask'); /* a variant of setting a mask */
  • we add Knockout's part:

     ko.validation.rules['phone-inputmask'] = {
         validator: function (val) {
             /* -=IMPORTANT=-: if server sends later back the unmasked value, then uninstead of 'val', consider comparing to 'Inputmask.format(val, { alias: 'phone'});'  */
             return Inputmask.isValid(val, { alias: 'phone'}) 
         message: 'Incorrect or incomplete phone'
     /* Needed ONLY if ko.validation.init() was prior to inclusion of custom rule */
         registerExtenders: true, /* obsolete for new versions of ko.validation like 2.0.3, it's now auto-done in lib source, AFAIK */
         messagesOnModified: true,
         insertMessages: true,
     }, true);
     var myVM = {
       phone: ko.observable().extend({'phone-inputmask': {params: 'phone'}, rateLimit: { timeout: 200, method: "notifyWhenChangesStop" } })

Pls also note rateLimit: { timeout: 200... part, that seems to help reduce CPU load.