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AdvaitGadhikar committed Jan 27, 2022
0 parents commit 31716d4
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Showing 25 changed files with 4,492 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Construction/model_ep40_it0.pth
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303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions Construction/
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@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from itertools import combinations
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import pickle
from Utils import load

device = torch.device("cpu")

class Linear(nn.Linear):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, weightl, biasl):
super(Linear, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) = torch.tensor(weightl) = torch.tensor(biasl)

def forward(self, input):
return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias)

def fc(weight, bias, nonlinearity=nn.ReLU()):
L = len(weight)
# Linear feature extractor
modules = [nn.Flatten()]
for i in range(L-1):
modules.append(Linear(weight[i].shape[1], weight[i].shape[0], weight[i], bias[i]))

modules.append(Linear(weight[L-1].shape[1], weight[L-1].shape[0], weight[L-1], bias[L-1]))
model = nn.Sequential(*modules)
return model

def subset_fixed_size_best(target, numbers, subsize, errBest):
n = len(numbers)
cand = 0
indBest = np.array([np.NAN])
for ind in combinations(range(n),subsize):
inda = np.array(ind,dtype="int")
napprox = np.sum(numbers[inda])
diff = np.abs(target-napprox)
if diff < errBest:
errBest = diff
cand = napprox
indBest = inda
return cand, indBest, errBest

def exhaustiveBest(target, numbers, nmax):
n = len(numbers)
err = np.abs(target)
errBest = err
cand = 0
indBest = np.array([-1])
nmax = min(nmax, n)
for k in range(nmax):
cank, indk, errk = subset_fixed_size_best(target, numbers, k, errBest)
if errk < errBest:
errBest = errk
cand = cank
indBest = indk
return cand, indBest

def subset_fixed_size(target, numbers, eps, subsize, errBest):
n = len(numbers)
cand = 0
indBest = np.array([np.NAN])
for ind in combinations(range(n),subsize):
inda = np.array(ind,dtype="int")
napprox = np.sum(numbers[inda])
diff = np.abs(target-napprox)
if diff < errBest:
errBest = diff
cand = napprox
indBest = inda
if diff <= eps:
return cand, indBest, errBest

def exhaustive(target, numbers, eps, nmax):
n = len(numbers)
err = np.abs(target)
errBest = err
cand = 0
indBest = np.array([-1])
nmax = min(nmax, n)
for k in range(nmax):
cank, indk, errk = subset_fixed_size(target, numbers, eps, k, errBest)
if errk < errBest:
errBest = errk
cand = cank
indBest = indk
if errBest <= eps:
return cand, indBest

def solve_subset_sum(target, nbrVar, eps, addwidth, wp1):
# print('solve called once')

variables = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, nbrVar)
cand, ind = exhaustive(target, variables*wp1, eps, 15)
err = np.abs(target-cand)
subset = variables[ind]
addwidth += 1
if err <= eps:
return cand, subset, ind, addwidth
addwidth = addwidth+1
return solve_subset_sum(target, nbrVar, eps, addwidth, wp1)
# return cand, subset, ind, addwidth

def weight_pruning(rho, n_in, n_out, eps, wp1, wp2, indIn, indOut, wt):
addwidth = 0
for i in range(n_in):
indRange = np.arange(rho*i,rho*(i+1))
wcand = wp1[indRange,indIn[i]].copy()
indRangePos = indRange[wcand>0]
indRangeNeg = indRange[wcand<0]
wcandPos = wcand[wcand>0]
wcandNeg = wcand[wcand<0]
for j in range(n_out):
target = wt[indOut[j],indIn[i]]
if(np.abs(target) > eps):
param, subset, ind, nbrTrials = solve_subset_sum(target, len(wcandPos), eps, 0, wcandPos)
wp2[j, indRangePos[ind]] = subset
addwidth = addwidth+nbrTrials
param, subset, ind, nbrTrials = solve_subset_sum(target, len(wcandNeg), eps, 0, wcandNeg)
wp2[j, indRangeNeg[ind]] = subset
addwidth = addwidth+nbrTrials
return wp2, addwidth

def bias_pruning(rho, n_in, n_out, eps, wp2, bp, indIn, indOut, bt):
addwidth = 0
indRange = np.arange(rho*n_in,rho*(n_in+1))
bp1 = bp[indRange]
for j in range(n_out):
target = bt[indOut[j]]
if(np.abs(target) > eps):
param, subset, ind, nbrTrials = solve_subset_sum(target, rho, eps, 0, bp1)
wp2[j, n_in*rho + ind] = subset
addwidth = addwidth+nbrTrials
return wp2, addwidth

def prune_layer(wt, bt, rho, eps):
# wt: target tensor of dimension nt_out x nt_in: target weight parameters
# bt: target bias vector
# rho: mutiplicity/ nbr of copies that should be constructed of each input in the intermediate layer (40 is usually a good size)
# eps allowed error in each parameter
dimt = wt.shape
n_out = dimt[0]
n_in = dimt[1]
#inputs in need of construction:
degOut = np.sum(np.abs(wt) > eps, axis=0)
indIn = np.arange(n_in)

#ouputs in need of construction
degIn = np.sum(np.abs(wt) > eps, axis=1)
indOut = np.arange(n_out)

n_out = len(indOut)
n_in = len(indIn)
print('Nout, Nin')
print(n_out, n_in)
#assume that
dimp2 = tuple([n_out, rho*(n_in+1)])
dimp1 = tuple([rho*(n_in+1), wt.shape[1]])

#parameters after pruning
wp1 = np.zeros(dimp1)
bp1 = np.zeros(rho*(n_in+1))

#first layer init
for i in range(n_in):
indRange = np.arange(i*rho, (i+1)*rho)
wp1[indRange,indIn[i]] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, rho)
indRange = np.arange(n_in*rho, (n_in+1)*rho)
bp1[indRange] = np.random.uniform(0, 1, rho) #for simplicity, these are aranged like that. With high probability we can first select biases nodes with positive biases to identify the nodes that we want to prune down to biases
wp2 = np.zeros(dimp2)
#weight pruning
wp2, addwidth = weight_pruning(rho, n_in, n_out, eps, wp1, wp2, indIn, indOut, wt)
wp2, addw = bias_pruning(rho, n_in, n_out, eps, wp2, bp1, indIn, indOut, bt)
addwidth = addwidth + addw
return wp1, wp2, bp1, addwidth

def prune_fc(wt, bt, rho, eps):
#wt: list of target weights
#bt: list of target biases
#rho: multiplicity of intermediate layer
#eps: allowed error per parameter
L = len(wt)
wpruned = list()
bpruned = list()
#mother network architecture
architect = np.zeros(2*L+1)
architect[0] = wt[0].shape[1]
for l in range(L):
print("l: " + str(l))
wp1, wp2, bp1, addwidth = prune_layer(wt[l], bt[l], rho, eps)
architect[2*l+1] = wp2.shape[1]
architect[2*l+2] = wp2.shape[0] + addwidth
print(wp1.shape, wp2.shape)
return wpruned, bpruned, architect

def target_net(param_list): #, pathMask):

target_params = dict(filter(lambda v: (v[0].endswith(('weight', 'bias'))), param_list))

wtl = list()
btl = list()
scale = list()
for name, param in param_list:
if "weight" in name:
wt =
sc = np.max(np.abs(wtl[L]))
if "bias" in name:
bt =
width = max(width,len(bt))
sc = max(sc,np.max(np.abs(wtl[L])))
scale = np.array(scale)

return L, width, wtl, btl, scale

def number_params(weight, bias, eps):
L = len(weight)
for l in range(L):
nn = nn + np.sum(np.abs(weight[l]) >= eps)
print(str(l) + ": " + str(np.sum(np.abs(weight[l]) >= eps)))
print(np.max(np.abs(weight[l])), np.min(np.abs(weight[l])))
L = len(bias)
for l in range(L):
nn = nn + np.sum(np.abs(bias[l]) >= eps)
return nn

def relu(x):
return np.clip(x, a_min=0, a_max=None)

#load target network, adapt target network directory

model = load.model('fc_mnist', 'default')(((1, 28, 28), 10),
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(PATH, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
mask_list = torch.load(PATH, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

i = 0
param_list = []

for param in model.parameters():
param_list.append([mask_list[i][0], ( * mask_list[i][1])])
i += 1
# print('Num Params: ', i)
# print('Num Mask Params: ', len(mask_list))

L, width, wtl, btl, scale = target_net(param_list)
nbr = number_params(wtl, btl, 0.01)

for i in range(len(wtl)):
eps = 0.01
wt = wtl[i]
dimt = wt.shape
n_out = dimt[0]
n_in = dimt[1]
#inputs in need of construction:
degOut = np.sum(np.abs(wt) > eps, axis=0)
indIn = np.arange(n_in)
indIn = indIn[degOut > 0]
#ouputs in need of construction
degIn = np.sum(np.abs(wt) > eps, axis=1)
indOut = np.arange(n_out)
indOut = indOut[degIn > 0]
print(wt.shape, indIn.shape, indOut.shape)

wpruned, bpruned, architect = prune_fc(wtl, btl, 40, 0.01)
with open('..ticket_relu_2L', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([wpruned, bpruned, architect], f), 'SAVEPATH/'), 'SAVEPATH/')

model = fc(wpruned, bpruned), 'SAVEPATH/')


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