the biggest number in stack
the smallest number in stack
sum of array's number
avarage to array's number
we have a loop like cx:25 , and if ax=5,10,15,20 add bx+=1;
#Animation1# like a wawe
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * *
you can run step to step and see what happens in code. easy and basic find to how we gonna do it.
M.bilal Bark
Two string comparison and correct or incorrect print operations were performed on the screen.
#Name Surname with x8086--->İsim_Soyisim
#ReverseString with x8086 --->String_Ters_cevirme
#Triangle with x8086 --->dikucgen
#0-100 with 10+ 10+ with x8086--->ondan_yuze
#Check to String When you write to emulator screen with x8086--->String_Karsilastirma
#Repeat char with count with x8086--->tekrar_sayis_kadar_karakter.asm
#ReverseString2 with x8086 --->ters_cevirme
#add sum up to input 'char' with x8086 --->x_girilene_kadar_topla.asm
all of them x8086 assembly language.