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Personal Storage Table Extension for Knime

GitHub release lint

We recognize the challenges of managing PST files. To address this, we are introducing Redfield PST Nodes. This extension enables users to concentrate on data analysis rather than the technical difficulties of accessing and reading the data.

The extesnion can be installed via the Knime Hub by dragging and dropping the node icon or installed via the Knime Extension Manager.

Devlopement 🚀

🚨 Please read the guidelines for contributing

It is recommended to have Python 3.9+

First clone this repo, then navigate to the folder PST-Nodes:

$ git clone

$ cd PST-Nodes

Switch to the dev branch by running the following command:

$ git checkout dev

Make sure that the dev branch is up-to-date by running the following command:

$ git pull

Create your feature/ bugfix branch off of dev branch. Check guidelines for contributing for branches naming conventions.

$ git checkout -m `your_branch_name`

Create a conda/Python environment containing the knime-python-base metapackage, together with the node development API knime-extension.

$ conda create -n my_python_env python=3.9 knime-python-base=5.2 knime-extension=5.2 -c knime -c conda-forge

Install requirments

$ pip install -r requirments.txt

Update the config.yml as described here