This is a Node.js project where
- Express.js was used to manage server and routes easily
- MongoDB, Mongoose were used to handle our data/database
- Postman API was used for testing its expected functionality, security, performance, and reliability
After cloning the repo,
first, install all the dependencies/devDependencies using the following command
npm install
then, to run the project use one of the following commands
npm start # or nodemon app.js
after that, open http://localhost:3000 with any of your favorite browsers to see the result.
- This isn’t a typical to-do list app that stores everything in local storage, what’s fundamentally different is that we’re going to be responsible for setting up the API that communicates with the cloud database and persist the data to the cloud using MongoDB Atlas.
- As for functionality, we’ve got the form and can enter a new task, and by submitting that we send off the Post request, and since we’re successful, we Get back all the tasks, and the newest task is added to the list. Then we can Delete the task. And if we want to Update that, we’ll see only the specific data on another page about that one task.
In front-end we’ve got a form and a list and by submitting a task we can communicate with the backend, meaning by sending a request to the API, the user can Create, Read, Update, or Delete a task and to edit/update a task, it'll take us to another page.