This is my first individual project. Movie Booking Application. This application helps the user to book movie for themselves and their loved ones. Also, allows admin to add movie for user's entertainment.
Language: MongoDB , ExpressJS , Node , React , Redux , MUI
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge.
This is the home page of our movie booking application where user can find any movie just by writing name of the movie in search bar. User can get logged in , can book movies and get logged out . Admin can get logged in add movies and get logged out.
This is the screenshot of Sign up page or create account page of Movie Booking Application.
This is the screenshot of Login page. Once the user has completed the account creation they are prompted to use their details to login.
This page shows all the movies available for the user which he/she can book on desired date with seat number of their choice.
User can find the description of the movie and can choose seat number accordingly with preferable date . And can do more than one booking.
Here in this page user can see all the bookings done by him/her with movie name , seat number and date also have the option to delete at any point of time after booking.
This is the page where admin can add various movies just by filling mandatory details of the movie .
The page contains all the details regarding movies added by the admin with the name of movie and profile of the admin. Also the admin has the feature to logout.
This was my first individual project so faced many hurdles and challenges. And it helped me learn many things to grow as an individul in my tech skills.
- Rajshree
If you have any feedback, please reach out.