Junior full stack developer passionate mainly in Python. You can view my CV here
💬 Ask me about python, java, JS, TS, node
📫 How to reach me pelikan.radek03@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact Sometimes I do video gamin 🎮
📚 I'm learning C#, ASP.NET
A web application for drawing together with friends. It is possible to draw on a canvas. The application is based on the Socket.io library and uses the React framework.
A simple CRUD web application for managing books. The application is made with React, Express and uses the MongoDB database.
Java app for managing movies. The application is made with JavaFX and uses the MySQL database. There are 2 types of users: admin and BFU. Admin can add, edit and delete movies, rooms and showings. BFU can only buy and cancel tickets.
A simple 2D platformer game made with p5js library. I wanted to try to code some basic physics and collision detection. It is robust and easy to use.