Motivation: helping devops to achieve daily basis results easier
- hetzner
- scaleway
- vultr
- linode
- digitalocean
- upcloud
- ssdnodes * does not have block storage, load balancer or even hourly based prices
- lunanode
- netcup
Before running the commands remotely via ssh protocol you need to send your public ssh key to the datacenter of your choid (like one of those listed above / I.E. one you created your VPS)
To do that, copy the content showed after issueing the command below
cat ~/.ssh/
You should be able to see something like this:
ssh-rsa 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
If you see the message below instead
/Users/[home]/.ssh/ No such file or directory
than create a brand new ssh key using the command below:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
If everything went right, you can copy the content showed using the command below
cat ~/.ssh/
And, finally, paste the ssh public key content just copied into the datacenter dashboard of your choice.
Replace the letters bellow (X.Y.Z.W) with the correct VPSs IP addresses separeted by spaces. Example: (
declare -a IPS=(X.Y.Z.W)
for IP in ${IPS[@]}; do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t root@$IP "echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections; apt update; apt -y -q upgrade; apt -y -q autoremove; apt -y -q install sudo curl zip unzip screen ; reboot;" ; done
Replace the letters bellow (X.Y.Z.W) with the correct VPSs IP addresses separeted by spaces. Example: (
declare -a IPS=(X.Y.Z.W)
for IP in ${IPS[@]}; do ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t root@$IP "echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections; curl | sh; apt-mark hold docker-ce; " ; done
sudo apt install screen
sudo screen
Just press enter to continue...
Below are some most common commands for managing Linux Screen Windows:
Ctrl+a c Create a new window (with shell)
Ctrl+a " List all window
Ctrl+a 0 Switch to window 0 (by number )
Ctrl+a A Rename the current window
Ctrl+a S Split current region horizontally into two regions
Ctrl+a | Split current region vertically into two regions
Ctrl+a tab Switch the input focus to the next region
Ctrl+a Ctrl+a Toggle between the current and previous region
Ctrl+a Q Close all regions but the current one
Ctrl+a X Close the current region
Ctrl+a d You can detach from the screen session at any time by typing this
screen -r To resume your screen session