This repository contains models implemented in the Mozaik framework, that were published by the Computational Systems Neuroscience Group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University.
To run the models present in this repository one must first install the Mozaik package and its dependencies (see here for more information and detailed installation instructions).
LSV1M - Large scale model of cat primary visual cortex published in Antolík, J., Cagnol, R., Rózsa, T., Monier, C., Frégnac, Y., & Davison, A. P. (2024). A comprehensive data-driven model of cat primary visual cortex. PLOS Computational Biolology. Setup used in the article: 16 processes on a EPYC 7302 CPU with 128 GB of RAM.
Rozsa_Cagnol2024 - Iso-orientation bias of layer 2/3 connections: the unifying mechanism of spontaneous, visually and optogenetically driven V1 dynamics publised in Rózsa, T., Cagnol, R., Antolík, J. (2024). Iso-orientation bias of layer 2/3 connections: the unifying mechanism of spontaneous, visually and optogenetically driven V1 dynamics.. Setup used in the preprint: 16 processes on a EPYC 9384X CPU with 1536 GB of RAM.