A simple script to monitor .hex
, .eep
files and program it to the avr chip
flashing- file system monitoring (Build directory) for instant flash to the chip
- works on RPI/Linux
- A avrdude compatible programmer like the cheap USBASP
modify the following lines to setup the system in avrdude_flasher.py
9 chip = "attiny2313"
define here the default chip if it not in the filename. See avrdude docu-p
flagprogrammer = "usbasp"
define here your programming device. See avrdude docu for the-c
flagpath_to_watch = "./GccApplication3/GccApplication3/Debug"
define the path to watch for.hex
See at function flash for more configration flags.
Any linux system with python2
and avrdude
I used a RPI Zero W with an USBASP connected.
I setup a smb share and setup the path_to_watch
path to it, so if AtmelStudio generates a new build and the pythonscript flashes the new file to the chip on an other Computer.
After setup simply run avrdude_flasher.py
A feature is that the chip to programm can be determand in the filename, so you dont need to change the script.
The filename for .hex
and .eep
need the following pattern:
and _<projectname>_<chipname>_.eep
So a valid build file for an Attiny2313 is:
- HEX:
- EEP:
A AtmelStudioProject runs not very well on a FileShare i have noticed. So i added a PostBuildRule to copy the build files to the share via a windows copy command:
- hardcoded chip name:
copy $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Debug\$(AssemblyName).hex C:\Users\root\Dropbox\testproj\Debug\_$(AssemblyName)_attiny2313_.hex
- with atmel studio macro:
copy $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Debug\$(AssemblyName).hex C:\Users\root\Dropbox\testproj\Debug\_$(AssemblyName)_$(avrdevice)_.hex
If you want to watch *.hex
files on smb shares you have to mount it on ubuntu into the filesystem.
The normal Files-Application dont do that.
So first you have to install cifs-utils
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
Create a local mounting foldersudo mkdir /mnt/tmp_dev_share
And mount the SMB Server to it (Here the smb share is on192.168.1.23
and we want to mount the/home/tmp
folder)sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/tmp_dev_share
The last step is to edit the path_to_watch
Variable to /mnt/tmp_dev_share