Python code for ray tracing through realistic lenses given surface and material data. Optical systems and materials are extensible, so new types can be easily added. For convenience, we include a perfect lens model as well. In addition to full physical ray tracing, we also include various tools for paraxial system analysis, including generating ray transfer matrices and computing 3rd order (Seidel) aberration coefficients. Higher-order aberration diagrams are also easy to generate.
The ray tracing code can be pip installed by running
git clone
cd ray_trace_pb
pip install .
If you want to edit the package then install it in editable mode using instead
pip install -e .
The python package name is raytrace
and the important components can be imported in your python interpreter using
import raytrace.raytrace as rt
import raytrace.materials as rtm
Example scripts can be found in the scripts directory
Documentation is generated from function docstrings and built with Sphinx. e.g. navigate to docs and run
make html
Then open docs/_build/html/index.html
in your browser