- Pranav Kumar Sah
- Pratik Nichite
- Abdul Basit Raja
- Each member of the group has equally contributed to each part of the work including project, ppts etc.
- Readme.md `(info on group & file structure)`
- Presentations
├ BPE-Dropout(paper-1).pptx
└ Transformer(paper-2).pptx
- Markovity_Project `(Tweets Generation)`
└ inspirational_tweet_generation.ipynb `(main notebook file)`
- Movie_Genre_Prediction_Project
└ movie_genre_prediction.ipynb `(main notebook file)`
- Capstone_Project `(Text & Dialogue Summarizer)`
├ capstone_project_video.mp4
├ dialogue_summarizer_frontend `(frontend code)`
├ project_code.ipynb `(main notebook file)`
└ Readme.md `(info on final project)`