This is a template repository that can be used to create a user-written command repository. The following components should exist in all user-written command repositories:
A readme file consisting of the followings:
a. Overview: The overview section should describe command including the purpose, dependencies, relevant files and any other important notes.
b. Installation: The instllation section should include the installation process. If it is Stata command, the Stata syntax to install the program should be mentioned here.
c. Syntax: Here the Syntax of the user-written command should be explained.
d. Options: If the user-written command allows options, the options should be explained here.
e. Example Syntax: This section should include one or more example syntax.
f. Direction to the issue page for the users to report any issues. -
The ado file, help file, toc file, pkg file and any other supporting files for the command should be at the root.
Any additional files those are not part of the user-written command, should be placed in a separate folders.
The folder and file structure can be changed to facilitate any specific purpose.
* userwrittencommand can be installed from github
net install userwrittencommand, all replace ///
userwrittencommand using filename, [options]
To open dialogue box, type: db userwrittencommand
can be xls or xlsx. If filename
is specified without an extension, .xls or xlsx is assumed.
Options | Description |
replace | Replace outfile if already exists. |
userwrittencommand using "Endline Survey.xlsx", replace
Please report all bugs/feature request to the github issues page