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steve-chavez committed Mar 27, 2024
1 parent d02540a commit fc72f78
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Showing 5 changed files with 231 additions and 273 deletions.
78 changes: 35 additions & 43 deletions src/PostgREST/ApiRequest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ module PostgREST.ApiRequest
, Mutation(..)
, MediaType(..)
, Action(..)
, ActionRelation(..)
, ActionRoutine(..)
, ActionSchema(..)
, DbAction(..)
, Payload(..)
, userApiRequest
) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,23 +90,17 @@ data Resource
| ResourceRoutine Text
| ResourceSchema

data ActionRelation
= ActRead Bool
| ActMutate Mutation
| ActRelInfo

data ActionRoutine
= ActInvoke InvokeMethod
| ActRoutInfo

data ActionSchema
= ActSchemaRead Bool
| ActSchemaInfo
data DbAction
= ActRelationRead {dbActQi :: QualifiedIdentifier, actHeadersOnly :: Bool}
| ActRelationMut {dbActQi :: QualifiedIdentifier, actMutation :: Mutation}
| ActRoutine {dbActQi :: QualifiedIdentifier, actInvMethod :: InvokeMethod}

Check warning on line 96 in src/PostgREST/ApiRequest.hs

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L95 - L96 were not covered by tests

data Action
= ActRelation QualifiedIdentifier ActionRelation
| ActRoutine QualifiedIdentifier ActionRoutine
| ActSchema Schema ActionSchema
= ActDb DbAction
| ActSchemaRead Schema Bool
| ActRelationInfo QualifiedIdentifier
| ActRoutineInfo QualifiedIdentifier
| ActSchemaInfo Schema

Describes what the user wants to do. This data type is a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +160,7 @@ userApiRequest conf req reqBody sCache = do
iHdrs = [ (CI.foldedCase k, v) | (k,v) <- hdrs, k /= hCookie]
iCkies = maybe [] parseCookies $ lookupHeader "Cookie"
contentMediaType = maybe MTApplicationJSON MediaType.decodeMediaType $ lookupHeader "content-type"
actIsInvokeSafe x = case x of {ActRoutine _ (ActInvoke (InvRead _)) -> True; _ -> False}
actIsInvokeSafe x = case x of {ActDb (ActRoutine _ (InvRead _)) -> True; _ -> False}

getResource :: AppConfig -> [Text] -> Either ApiRequestError Resource
getResource AppConfig{configOpenApiMode, configDbRootSpec} = \case
Expand All @@ -183,23 +175,23 @@ getResource AppConfig{configOpenApiMode, configDbRootSpec} = \case
getAction :: Resource -> Schema -> ByteString -> Either ApiRequestError Action
getAction resource schema method =
case (resource, method) of
(ResourceRoutine rout, "HEAD") -> Right $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ ActInvoke $ InvRead True
(ResourceRoutine rout, "GET") -> Right $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ ActInvoke $ InvRead False
(ResourceRoutine rout, "POST") -> Right $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ ActInvoke Inv
(ResourceRoutine rout, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActRoutine (qi rout) ActRoutInfo
(ResourceRoutine rout, "HEAD") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ InvRead True
(ResourceRoutine rout, "GET") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRoutine (qi rout) $ InvRead False
(ResourceRoutine rout, "POST") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRoutine (qi rout) Inv
(ResourceRoutine rout, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActRoutineInfo (qi rout)
(ResourceRoutine _, _) -> Left $ InvalidRpcMethod method

(ResourceRelation rel, "HEAD") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) $ ActRead True
(ResourceRelation rel, "GET") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) $ ActRead False
(ResourceRelation rel, "POST") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) $ ActMutate MutationCreate
(ResourceRelation rel, "PUT") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) $ ActMutate MutationSingleUpsert
(ResourceRelation rel, "PATCH") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) $ ActMutate MutationUpdate
(ResourceRelation rel, "DELETE") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) $ ActMutate MutationDelete
(ResourceRelation rel, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActRelation (qi rel) ActRelInfo
(ResourceRelation rel, "HEAD") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationRead (qi rel) True
(ResourceRelation rel, "GET") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationRead (qi rel) False
(ResourceRelation rel, "POST") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationMut (qi rel) MutationCreate
(ResourceRelation rel, "PUT") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationMut (qi rel) MutationSingleUpsert
(ResourceRelation rel, "PATCH") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationMut (qi rel) MutationUpdate
(ResourceRelation rel, "DELETE") -> Right . ActDb $ ActRelationMut (qi rel) MutationDelete
(ResourceRelation rel, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActRelationInfo (qi rel)

(ResourceSchema, "HEAD") -> Right $ ActSchema schema $ ActSchemaRead True
(ResourceSchema, "GET") -> Right $ ActSchema schema $ ActSchemaRead False
(ResourceSchema, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActSchema schema ActSchemaInfo
(ResourceSchema, "HEAD") -> Right $ ActSchemaRead schema True
(ResourceSchema, "GET") -> Right $ ActSchemaRead schema False
(ResourceSchema, "OPTIONS") -> Right $ ActSchemaInfo schema

_ -> Left $ UnsupportedMethod method
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,20 +271,20 @@ getPayload reqBody contentMediaType QueryParams{qsColumns} action = do
(ct, _) -> Left $ "Content-Type not acceptable: " <> MediaType.toMime ct

shouldParsePayload = case action of
ActRelation _ (ActMutate MutationDelete) -> False
ActRelation _ (ActMutate _) -> True
ActRoutine _ (ActInvoke Inv) -> True
_ -> False
ActDb (ActRelationMut _ MutationDelete) -> False
ActDb (ActRelationMut _ _) -> True
ActDb (ActRoutine _ Inv) -> True
_ -> False

columns = case action of
ActRelation _ (ActMutate MutationCreate) -> qsColumns
ActRelation _ (ActMutate MutationUpdate) -> qsColumns
ActRoutine _ (ActInvoke Inv) -> qsColumns
_ -> Nothing
ActDb (ActRelationMut _ MutationCreate) -> qsColumns
ActDb (ActRelationMut _ MutationUpdate) -> qsColumns
ActDb (ActRoutine _ Inv) -> qsColumns
_ -> Nothing

isProc = case action of
ActRoutine _ _ -> True
_ -> False
ActDb (ActRoutine _ _) -> True
_ -> False
params = (T.decodeUtf8 *** T.decodeUtf8) <$> parseSimpleQuery (LBS.toStrict reqBody)

type CsvData = V.Vector (M.Map Text LBS.ByteString)
Expand Down
65 changes: 19 additions & 46 deletions src/PostgREST/App.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,11 +42,8 @@ import qualified PostgREST.Query as Query
import qualified PostgREST.Response as Response
import qualified PostgREST.Unix as Unix (installSignalHandlers)

import PostgREST.ApiRequest (Action (..),
ActionRelation (..),
ActionRoutine (..),
ActionSchema (..),
ApiRequest (..), Mutation (..))
import PostgREST.ApiRequest (Action (..), ApiRequest (..),
DbAction (..))
import PostgREST.AppState (AppState)
import PostgREST.Auth (AuthResult (..))
import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,58 +170,28 @@ handleRequest :: AuthResult -> AppConfig -> AppState.AppState -> Bool -> Bool ->
Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> (Observation -> IO ()) -> Handler IO Wai.Response
handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@ApiRequest{..} sCache jwtTime parseTime observer =
case iAction of
ActRelation identifier (ActRead headersOnly) -> do
(planTime', wrPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.wrappedReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.wrTxMode wrPlan) $ Query.readQuery wrPlan conf apiReq
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.readResponse wrPlan headersOnly identifier apiReq resultSet
ActDb dbAct -> do
(planTime', plan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.actionPlan dbAct conf apiReq sCache
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery (planIsoLvl plan) (planFunSettings plan) (Plan.pTxMode plan) $ Query.actionQuery plan conf apiReq pgVer
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.actionResponse plan (dbActQi dbAct) apiReq resultSet
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRelation identifier (ActMutate MutationCreate) -> do
(planTime', mrPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationCreate apiReq identifier conf sCache
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.createQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.createResponse identifier mrPlan apiReq resultSet
ActSchemaRead tSchema headersOnly -> do
(planTime', iPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.inspectPlan apiReq headersOnly tSchema
(txTime', oaiResult) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.ipTxmode iPlan) $ Query.openApiQuery iPlan conf sCache pgVer
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.openApiResponse iPlan (T.decodeUtf8 prettyVersion, docsVersion) oaiResult conf sCache iSchema iNegotiatedByProfile
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRelation identifier (ActMutate MutationUpdate) -> do
(planTime', mrPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationUpdate apiReq identifier conf sCache
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.updateQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.updateResponse mrPlan apiReq resultSet
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRelation identifier (ActMutate MutationSingleUpsert) -> do
(planTime', mrPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationSingleUpsert apiReq identifier conf sCache
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.singleUpsertQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.singleUpsertResponse mrPlan apiReq resultSet
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRelation identifier (ActMutate MutationDelete) -> do
(planTime', mrPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.mutateReadPlan MutationDelete apiReq identifier conf sCache
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.mrTxMode mrPlan) $ Query.deleteQuery mrPlan apiReq conf
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.deleteResponse mrPlan apiReq resultSet
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRoutine identifier (ActInvoke invMethod) -> do
(planTime', cPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq invMethod
(txTime', resultSet) <- withTiming $ runQuery (fromMaybe roleIsoLvl $ pdIsoLvl (Plan.crProc cPlan)) (pdFuncSettings $ Plan.crProc cPlan) (Plan.crTxMode cPlan) $ Query.invokeQuery (Plan.crProc cPlan) cPlan apiReq conf pgVer
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.invokeResponse cPlan invMethod (Plan.crProc cPlan) apiReq resultSet
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActSchema tSchema (ActSchemaRead headersOnly) -> do
(planTime', iPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.inspectPlan apiReq
(txTime', oaiResult) <- withTiming $ runQuery roleIsoLvl mempty (Plan.ipTxmode iPlan) $ Query.openApiQuery sCache pgVer conf tSchema
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.openApiResponse (T.decodeUtf8 prettyVersion, docsVersion) headersOnly oaiResult conf sCache iSchema iNegotiatedByProfile
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' txTime' respTime') pgrst

ActRelation identifier ActRelInfo -> do
ActRelationInfo identifier -> do
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.infoIdentResponse identifier sCache
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime Nothing Nothing respTime') pgrst

ActRoutine identifier ActRoutInfo -> do
ActRoutineInfo identifier -> do
(planTime', cPlan) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Plan.callReadPlan identifier conf sCache apiReq $ ApiRequest.InvRead True
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither $ Response.infoProcResponse (Plan.crProc cPlan)
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime planTime' Nothing respTime') pgrst

ActSchema _ ActSchemaInfo -> do
ActSchemaInfo _ -> do
(respTime', pgrst) <- withTiming $ liftEither Response.infoRootResponse
return $ pgrstResponse (ServerTiming jwtTime parseTime Nothing Nothing respTime') pgrst

Expand All @@ -237,6 +204,12 @@ handleRequest AuthResult{..} conf appState authenticated prepared pgVer apiReq@A
Query.runPreReq conf

planIsoLvl (Plan.CallReadPlan{crProc}) = fromMaybe roleIsoLvl $ pdIsoLvl crProc
planIsoLvl _ = roleIsoLvl

planFunSettings (Plan.CallReadPlan{crProc}) = pdFuncSettings crProc
planFunSettings _ = mempty

pgrstResponse :: ServerTiming -> Response.PgrstResponse -> Wai.Response
pgrstResponse timing (Response.PgrstResponse st hdrs bod) = Wai.responseLBS st (hdrs ++ ([serverTimingHeader timing | configServerTimingEnabled conf])) bod

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