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feat: WIP allow spread operators in to-many relationships
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laurenceisla committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent 10dc3e1 commit bd93514
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Showing 6 changed files with 83 additions and 30 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/ApiRequest/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ data ApiRequestError
| PutLimitNotAllowedError
| QueryParamError QPError
| RelatedOrderNotToOne Text Text
| SpreadNotToOne Text Text
| UnacceptableFilter Text
| UnacceptableSchema [Text]
| UnsupportedMethod ByteString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ type Cast = Text
type Alias = Text
type Hint = Text

data AggregateFunction = Sum | Avg | Max | Min | Count
data AggregateFunction = Sum | Avg | Max | Min | Count | JsonAgg
deriving (Show, Eq)

data EmbedParam
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7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/PostgREST/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ instance PgrstError ApiRequestError where
status PutLimitNotAllowedError = HTTP.status400
status QueryParamError{} = HTTP.status400
status RelatedOrderNotToOne{} = HTTP.status400
status SpreadNotToOne{} = HTTP.status400
status UnacceptableFilter{} = HTTP.status400
status UnacceptableSchema{} = HTTP.status406
status UnsupportedMethod{} = HTTP.status405
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,12 +175,6 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON ApiRequestError where
(Just $ JSON.String $ "'" <> origin <> "' and '" <> target <> "' do not form a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship")

toJSON (SpreadNotToOne origin target) = toJsonPgrstError
("A spread operation on '" <> target <> "' is not possible")
(Just $ JSON.String $ "'" <> origin <> "' and '" <> target <> "' do not form a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship")

toJSON (UnacceptableFilter target) = toJsonPgrstError
("Bad operator on the '" <> target <> "' embedded resource")
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27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions src/PostgREST/Plan.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -336,10 +336,10 @@ readPlan qi@QualifiedIdentifier{..} AppConfig{configDbMaxRows, configDbAggregate
validateAggFunctions configDbAggregates =<<
addRelSelects =<<
addNullEmbedFilters =<<
validateSpreadEmbeds =<<
addRelatedOrders =<<
addAliases =<<
expandStars ctx =<<
addJsonAggToManySpread False =<<
addRels qiSchema (iAction apiRequest) dbRelationships Nothing =<<
addLogicTrees ctx apiRequest =<<
addRanges apiRequest =<<
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -604,6 +604,22 @@ findRel schema allRels origin target hint =
) $ fromMaybe mempty $ HM.lookup (QualifiedIdentifier schema origin, schema) allRels

-- Add JsonAgg aggregates to selected fields that do not have other aggregates and:
-- * Belong to a spread to-many relationship
-- * Are to-one spread but are nested inside a spread to-many relationship
addJsonAggToManySpread :: Bool -> ReadPlanTree -> Either ApiRequestError ReadPlanTree
addJsonAggToManySpread isNestedInToManyRel (Node rp@ReadPlan{select, relIsSpread, relToParent} forest) =
let shouldAddJsonAgg = relIsSpread && (isNestedInToManyRel || Just False == (relIsToOne <$> relToParent))
newForest = rights $ addJsonAggToManySpread shouldAddJsonAgg <$> forest
| shouldAddJsonAgg = fieldToJsonAgg <$> select
| otherwise = select
in Right $ Node rp { select = newSelects } newForest
fieldToJsonAgg field
| isJust $ csAggFunction field = field
| otherwise = field { csAggFunction = Just JsonAgg, csAlias = newAlias (csAlias field) (cfName $ csField field) }
newAlias alias fieldName = maybe (Just fieldName) pure alias

addRelSelects :: ReadPlanTree -> Either ApiRequestError ReadPlanTree
addRelSelects node@(Node rp forest)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -896,15 +912,6 @@ resolveLogicTree ctx (Expr b op lts) = CoercibleExpr b op (map (resolveLogicTree
resolveFilter :: ResolverContext -> Filter -> CoercibleFilter
resolveFilter ctx (Filter fld opExpr) = CoercibleFilter{field=resolveQueryInputField ctx fld, opExpr=opExpr}

-- Validates that spread embeds are only done on to-one relationships
validateSpreadEmbeds :: ReadPlanTree -> Either ApiRequestError ReadPlanTree
validateSpreadEmbeds (Node rp@ReadPlan{relToParent=Nothing} forest) = Node rp <$> validateSpreadEmbeds `traverse` forest
validateSpreadEmbeds (Node rp@ReadPlan{relIsSpread,relToParent=Just rel,relName} forest) = do
validRP <- if relIsSpread && not (relIsToOne rel)
then Left $ SpreadNotToOne (qiName $ relTable rel) relName -- TODO using relTable is not entirely right because ReadPlan might have an alias, need to store the parent alias on ReadPlan
else Right rp
Node validRP <$> validateSpreadEmbeds `traverse` forest

-- Find a Node of the Tree and apply a function to it
updateNode :: (a -> ReadPlanTree -> ReadPlanTree) -> (EmbedPath, a) -> Either ApiRequestError ReadPlanTree -> Either ApiRequestError ReadPlanTree
updateNode f ([], a) rr = f a <$> rr
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/PostgREST/Query/SqlFragment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -283,10 +283,12 @@ pgFmtApplyAggregate Nothing _ snippet = snippet
pgFmtApplyAggregate (Just agg) aggCast snippet =
pgFmtApplyCast aggCast aggregatedSnippet
aggregatedSnippet = convertAggFunction agg <> "(" <> snippet <> ")"
convertAggFunction :: AggregateFunction -> SQL.Snippet
-- Convert from e.g. Sum (the data type) to SUM
convertAggFunction = SQL.sql . toUpper . BS.pack . show
aggregatedSnippet = convertAggFunction agg <> "(" <> snippet <> ")"
convertAggFunction = \case
JsonAgg -> SQL.sql "json_agg"
a -> SQL.sql . toUpper . BS.pack $ show a

pgFmtApplyCast :: Maybe Cast -> SQL.Snippet -> SQL.Snippet
pgFmtApplyCast Nothing snippet = snippet
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52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions test/spec/Feature/Query/AggregateFunctionsSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -211,6 +211,58 @@ allowed =
{"name": "Sarah", "process_supervisor": [{"category": "Batch", "cost_sum": 180.00}]}]|]
{ matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson] }

context "performing json_agg() aggregations on to-many spread embeds" $ do
it "works on a one-to-many relationship" $ do
get "/clients?select=id,...projects(name)" `shouldRespondWith`
{"id":1,"name":["Windows 7", "Windows 10"]},
{"id":2,"name":["IOS", "OSX"]}
{ matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
-- Nested not working as expected:
-- get "/entities?select=name,...child_entities(child_name:name,...grandchild_entities(grandchild_name:name))&limit=3" `shouldRespondWith`
-- [json|[
-- {"name":"entity 1","child_name":"child entity 1","grandchild_name":"grandchild entity 1"},
-- {"name":"entity 2","child_name":"child entity 1","grandchild_name":"grandchild entity 1"},
-- {"name":"entity 3","child_name":"child entity 2","grandchild_name":"grandchild entity 1"}
-- ]|]
-- { matchStatus = 200
-- , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
-- }
-- get "/videogames?select=name,...computed_designers(designer_name:name)" `shouldRespondWith`
-- [json|[
-- {"name":"Civilization I","designer_name":"Sid Meier"},
-- {"name":"Civilization II","designer_name":"Sid Meier"},
-- {"name":"Final Fantasy I","designer_name":"Hironobu Sakaguchi"},
-- {"name":"Final Fantasy II","designer_name":"Hironobu Sakaguchi"}
-- ]|]
-- { matchStatus = 200
-- , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
-- }

-- it "works inside a normal embed" $
-- get "/grandchild_entities?select=name,child_entity:child_entities(name,...entities(parent_name:name))&limit=1" `shouldRespondWith`
-- [json|[
-- {"name":"grandchild entity 1","child_entity":{"name":"child entity 1","parent_name":"entity 1"}}
-- ]|]
-- { matchStatus = 200
-- , matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
-- }

it "works on a many-to-many relationship" $
get "/users?select=name,...projects(projects:name)" `shouldRespondWith`
{"name":"Dwight Schrute","projects":["Windows 7", "IOS"]},
{"name":"Angela Martin","projects":["Windows 7", "Windows 10"]},
{"name":"Michael Scott","projects":["IOS", "OSX"]}
{ matchStatus = 200
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

disallowed :: SpecWith ((), Application)
disallowed =
describe "attempting to use an aggregate when aggregate functions are disallowed" $ do
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions test/spec/Feature/Query/SpreadQueriesSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,25 +63,25 @@ spec =
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

it "fails when is not a to-one relationship" $ do
it "fails when it's a to-many relationship and aggregates are disabled" $ do
get "/clients?select=*,...projects(*)" `shouldRespondWith`
"details":"'clients' and 'projects' do not form a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship",
"message":"A spread operation on 'projects' is not possible"
"message":"Use of aggregate functions is not allowed"
{ matchStatus = 400
{ matchStatus = 400
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]
get "/designers?select=*,...computed_videogames(*)" `shouldRespondWith`
"details":"'designers' and 'computed_videogames' do not form a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship",
"message":"A spread operation on 'computed_videogames' is not possible"
"message":"Use of aggregate functions is not allowed"
{ matchStatus = 400
{ matchStatus = 400
, matchHeaders = [matchContentTypeJson]

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