In this web application, you can browse movies, producers, actors, and cinemas.
Additionally, you can register and log in to purchase any movies you desire. Afterward, you can check your orders on the orders page, and you can also add or remove items in the shopping cart page.
As an admin user, you have the ability to add, edit, or delete any item, as well as view all user orders and user information.
This web is depoly on azure : eTickets
- ASP.NET MVC: Framework used for building web applications.
- Entity Framework Core (EF Core): Used for data access and managing databases.
- ASP.NET Identity: ASP.NET Identity is used for managing user authentication and authorization. It provides features such as user registration, login, and role-based access control.
- Bootstrap: Frontend framework used for creating responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.
- jQuery: Library used for client-side scripting and DOM manipulation.
- PayPal API: Used for integrating PayPal payment functionality into the application.
- Microsoft Azure: Cloud platform used for deploying and hosting the web application.
- Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL): Relational database management system used for storing and managing application data.