Copyright Pixilib 2018-2024 Licence AGPL v.3
GaelO is a free and open source web platform for medical imaging processing in clinical trials.
Website :
Developpers :
Leader & Maintainer : Salim Kanoun
Contributors : Bastien Proudhom, Ludwig Chieng, Emilie Olivié
- To know backend version php artisan --version
sheetname limité a 31 caractère $sheetName = substr($role, 0, 3) . '' . $visitGroupName . '' . $visitTypeName; donc groupname et typename ensemble doivent etre < 25 caractères. Studyname a limiter a 10 caractères
node_modules/mjml/bin/mjml ./app/GaelO/views/mails/mjml/qc_report_buttons.mjml -o ./app/GaelO/views/mails/mail_qc_report_buttons.blade.php
node_modules/mjml/bin/mjml ./app/GaelO/views/mails/mjml/radiomics_report.mjml -o ./app/GaelO/views/mails/mail_radiomics_report.blade.php
In blade generated files, edit file to keep only body content (remove header...)