Explore Threejs VR hand input
Oculus Quest (tested Quest 1, no controllers)
Oculus Browser >15.4 (Quest update 29.0)
Not sure if Oculus Browser needs to be configured for WebXR like in the early days. If examples do not work, type "chrome://flags" in Oculus Browser and search for "webxr". "WebXR experiences with hand and joints tracking" and "WebXR Layers" are enabled.
Threejs-VR-Hand-Input uses a subset of three.js r129 to start VR with hand and joints tracking.
Codes for WebXR hand tracking may stop working after an Oculus Browser or threejs update.
Open Oculus Browser to link and "Enter VR" with index finger-thumb click. No controllers as the codes are hand tracking only.
An example of left palm-up to make a box visible (open a menus or change variables). Distance between red cubes' y-positions decides when the palm is facing up.
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