A mounting plate for the Inkplate 10 e-paper display. Intended to be laser cut from acrylic, plywood, etc.
The idea is to glue a "top layer" and a "bottom layer" together and then screw the Inkplate 10 to the mount using the four M3 stand-offs in the corners of the Inkplate 10 PCB. The "bottom layer" needs to be cut from material that is at least 2mm thick so that is taller than the screws used to attach the Inkplate to the "top layer", so that the screws don't go into the wall. An alternate to this is to cut the "top layer" design from much thicker material so that countersunk holes can be drilled into the back of it.
The mount is intended to be stuck to a wall or other surface using the double sided tape. However, it would be a simple matter to add screw holes to the design if you want to mount the Inkplate by drilling holes in your wall.
Note that the mounting holes on the Inkplate 10 are not equidistant from the edges of the PCB, so the mount is not symmetrical. The design of this mounting plate follows the dimensions of the Inkplate 10 PCB, so it is not symmetrical either.
Both SVG files were draw in Inkscape based off measurements taken from Inkplate 10 3D model.step
(from Inkplate-10-hardware GitHub repo).