This pipeline offers a variety of evaluations for genome assembly outcomes, such as accuracy, continuity, and completeness.
change the config.yaml according to you environment.
vim config.yaml
run with snakemake
nohup snakemake -s postassm.smk -j 10 -k --ri >sublog 2>&1 &
run on a cluster
nohup snakemake -s postassm.smk -j 10 -k --ri --cluster "qsub -l nodes=1:ppn=20 -l walltime=999:00:00" >sublog 2>&1 &
project_name: project name
dir_work: work directory
software: software path (absolute path)
- busco:
- merqury:
- samtools:
- Rscript:
- xf_stat:
- seqtk:
- ...
lib_dir: database directory
- busco: path of BUSCO lib, for example /path/to/busco/datasets/mammalia_odb10
- busco_conf: config of BUSCO lib, for example /path/to/busco/conf/busco-master/config/config.ini
- sample1:
- assm: sample1.fasta
- meryl_lab: /path/to/meryl_db/sample1.meryl
- sample2:
- assm: /path/to/sample2.fa
- meryl_lab: /path/to/meryl_db/sample2.meryl
- ...
- sample1:
- busco: 48
- default: 2
- ...
- Merquery
If you want to apply other tools to evaluate the genome, we encourage you to pull a request or email us.
Jia P, Dong L, Yang X, Wang B, Wang T, Lin J, Wang S, Zhao X, Xu T, Che Y, et al: Haplotype-resolved assemblies and variant benchmark of a Chinese Quartet. bioRxiv 2022:2022.2009.2008.504083. PDF
- Peng Jia (