The solution adds new sql bindings to azure function v2 and v3
dotnet add package Pawelharacz.Webjobs.Extensions.MSSqlDatabase
<PackageReference Include="Pawelharacz.Webjobs.Extensions.MSSqlDatabase" Version="0.1.0" />
Currently solution supports only input bindnig. The Project adds a MsSqlDb attribute
- SqlQuery is required - it's a query which will be invoked
- ConnectionStringSetting - name of application setting key. default key is "MsSqlDb"
Bining's mapping:
- IEnumerable collection on our defined class
- Single item of defined class
public static IActionResult Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get")]
HttpRequest req,
[MsSqlDb(SqlQuery = "Select Id, Name from Examples", ConnectionStringSetting = "MsSqlConnectionString")] IEnumerable<Example> examples)
public static async Task<IActionResult> RunFilterOneAsync(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "TestFunc/one/{id}")]
HttpRequest req,
[MsSqlDb(SqlQuery = "Select Id, Name from Examples where id = {id}")] Example example)
Full examples are available here
- Azure function v3 requires functions v2 compatibility mode. it can be turned on using this app setting: "FUNCTIONS_V2_COMPATIBILITY_MODE": "true"