A school project to read the humidity and act on that data with an arduino. The code is found in the file arduino-humidify.ino, so this folder can be imported directly into the arduino IDE.
- It reads the temperature and humidity with a DHT_11 module.
- Two times per minute it checks the humidity.
- If it's below 40%, the humidifier is activated
- If it's above 55%, the dehumidifier is activated
- Every 15 seconds, the arduino prints the temperature, humidity and time in the serial monitor.
- It includes tabs so you can copy-paste the result directly into excel.
- It shows the temperature, humidity and status to the LCD screen
- When the status changes, the backlight binks a couple times
This project uses the DHT_11 and LCD (16x2) module. The humidifier and dehumidifier are custom build and controlled by a relay.
- DHT_11 Sensor:
Digital 2
- Dehumidifier relay:
Digital 4
- Humidifier relay:
Digital 5
- LCD Backlight:
Digital 8
- LCD sda:
Analog 4
- LCD scl:
Analog 5
And of course, the vcc and ground.
Overview | User interface |
Dehumidifier | Humidifier |
This project is licensed under MIT, so feel free to use, modify, etc the code however you want!