- install nodejs v15.14.0
- install yarn
- yarn
npm install -g yarn
Terminal cd to project [web] dir and run:
cd web
yarn install
yarn serve
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080/
- Network:
Browser Open http://localhost:8080/
Browser request https or localhost to enable audio recoder.
yarn build
Open web/src/App.vue find line 87 , change serverAddress, appliId. LarkSR cloud appid from LarkSR admin server.
// SDK auth code,connect business@pingxingyun.com or register https://www.pingxingyun.com/console/#/
larksr.initSDKAuthCode("Your SDK ID")
Open web/src/App.vue find line 93-95
// LarkSR cloud appid from LarkSR admin server.
// doc
// https://www.pingxingyun.com/online/api3_2.html?id=476
appliId: "appid from LarkSR admin",
If not use https://www.pingxingyun.com/console/#/, connect to private LarkXR Server should change LarkXR Server address at line 78
web/src/Components/voice/voice.vue, see startRecode, stopRecode, recodeTimeout, sendRecoderBuffer.
Data formate
// wav, sampleRate: 16000 sampleBits: 16,
// 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1---------Start
// 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x2---------Sending(Send interal 1s)
// 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3---------End
Recode audio permission see requestAudio
Send data to cloud use datachannel, see sendRecoderBuffer:
// send array buffer to datachannel.
data callback,see web/src/App.vue
// 数据通道相关事件
larksr.on("datachannelclose", (e) => {
console.log("LarkSRClientEvent datachannelclose", e);
larksr.on("datachanneltext", (e) => {
console.log("LarkSRClientEvent datachanneltext", e);
larksr.on("datachannelbinary", (e) => {
console.log("LarkSRClientEvent datachannelbinary", e);
Import lark_datachannel_unity3d_export_unity2019.unitypackage enable datachannel Assets/Scenes/Manager.cs
lark.LarkManager larkManager = lark.LarkManager.Instance;
larkManager.DataChannel.onConnected += OnConnected;
larkManager.DataChannel.onText += OnTextMessage;
larkManager.DataChannel.onBinary += OnBinaryMessaeg;
larkManager.DataChannel.onClose += OnClose;
// start connect
lark.DataChannelNativeApi.ApiRestult restult = lark.LarkManager.Instance.StartConnect();
if (restult == lark.DataChannelNativeApi.ApiRestult.XR_SUCCESS)
statusText = "StartConnect XR_SUCCESS";
statusText = "StartConnect " + restult;
Receive audio data
public void OnBinaryMessaeg(byte[] binary)
Debug.Log("OnBinaryMessaeg " + binary.Length);
// wav, sampleRate: 16000 sampleBits: 16,
// 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1---------Start
// 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x2---------Sending(Send interal 1s)
// 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x3---------End
if (binary.Length < 4)
receiveText = "Data error : " + BitConverter.ToString(binary);
byte[] header = { binary[0], binary[1], binary[2], binary[3] };
int bodyLength = binary.Length - 4;
if (totalLength + bodyLength >= MAX_VOICE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
receiveText = "clera data";
totalLength = 0;
// save data
Buffer.BlockCopy(binary, 4, voiceBuffer, totalLength, bodyLength);
totalLength += bodyLength;
string headerText = "";
if (header.SequenceEqual(VOICE_HEADER_START))
headerText = "Start Recode Header: ";
} else if (header.SequenceEqual(VOICE_HEADER_RECODING))
headerText = "Recoding Header: ";
else if (header.SequenceEqual(VOICE_HEADER_END))
headerText = "End Header: ";
// 模拟处理数据
// 处理之后清空buffer
totalLength = 0;
} else
headerText = "Wrong header : ";
receiveText = headerText + BitConverter.ToString(header) + "; body length : " + bodyLength + "; total length " + totalLength;