Tic-tac-toe, also known as Xs and Os, is a classic two-player game where participants take turns marking spaces on a three-by-three grid with either an 'X' or an 'O'. This Android app is designed for two players, enabling them to enjoy this timeless game together on their mobile devices.
activity_add_players.xml -> which is the design for the first page when a user opens the app.
activity_main.xml -> which is the design for player to play the game.
activity_result_dialog.xml -> which is the last design page that shows the winner of the game.
AddPlayers.java -> This class allows users to input the names of two players before starting a Tic-Tac-Toe game. It captures the names and passes them to the main game activity.
MainActivity.java -> This class defines the logic for a Tic-Tac-Toe game. It manages winning combinations, player turns, and game results.
ResultDialog.java -> This custom dialog class displays a result message in a dialog box. It allows the user to restart the game when they click the "Start Again".
First, it asks players to enter their names. After they enter their names, they can start the game by clicking the "Start The Game" button.
Next, they will see the game section of the app where they can begin playing.
Once the game finishes, they will see the results, and they can start a new game by clicking the "Start Again" button.