paddle2onnx 0.5
This upgrade is mainly to support more official featured models, including PPYOLO, PPOCR, FasterRCNN, ERNIE and ViT. In addition, we have a more comprehensive coverage test for PaddleSeg and PaddleClas . For more detailed upgrade, refer to the following list:
- Support PPYOLO, FasterRCNN, PPOCR, and ERNIE. Full support to convert PaddleClas models, including ViT (Vision Transformer). Please refer to docs/en/
- Optimize the prompt of OpMapper support status.
- fix bug the incorrect input order of the model, such as yolov3.
- When pool is adative and ksize is [1,1], use gobal_pool to map adative_pool.
- Add a lot of English documents.
- Add tutorial for converting dynamic computational graph to ONNX.