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**Authors** : Ting Xu, Karl-Heinz Nenning
**Description** : This repo includes 1) landmarks for the macaque-human alignment, 2) functional phylogenetic map (functional connectivity homology index) between macaque and human, 3) evolutional surface area expansion (macaque-to-human), 4) cross-species parcellations (human-to-macaque: Glasser2016, Yeo2011, Broadmann parcellations on the macaque surfaces; macaque-to-human: Markov2014 and Broadmann parcellations on human HCP surface, and 5) human (Human Connectome Project [HCP]) and macaque (MacaqueYerkes19) surfaces.
**Documentation** : [](
**Link** : [](
**Language** : shell, workbench
**Publication** : [Xu, Nenning et al., 2020](
**Communication** : [GitHub profile]( or [email](
**Restrictions** : Please cite the above publication and the github repo
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