Releases: Oshlack/MINTIE
Releases · Oshlack/MINTIE
Compatibility with bpipe 0.9.12
- Fix issue with empty params initialising to booleans
- Setup references: update gffread URL to https
MINTIE v0.4.2
MINTIE v0.4.1
Release to trigger bioconda rebuild (0.4.0 failed due to CircleCI issue).
MINTIE v0.4.0
Support for single-end data.
MINTIE v0.3.9
Added wrapper script.
MINTIE v0.3.8
Fix for setting up references
MINTIE v0.3.7
Portability fixes
MINTIE v0.3.6
- Removed legacy viz functions
- optimisation
MINTIE v0.3.5
- Added 40bp sequence output for each variant's position (20bp flanking either side of each position)
- INDEL simulation now allows setting constant size
- Improved retained intron detection
- Minor fixes and improvements
MINTIE v0.3.0
- Numerous bug fixes
- Compatibility for salmon v1+
- Added intragenic rearrangement (IGR) variant type
- Motif checking leniency (+ motifs are now returned in an output column)
- Variant sizes have been fixed for numerous splice variants and TSVs
- Check kmer params when running assembly
- Tweaks to default config parameters