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2.2. Automated Pipeline Starting with BAM files
Got some BAM's aligned to hg19? This pipeline will run Feature Counts and ALLSorts for you,
ALLSorts runs on hg19 (I know), so we need references related to that.
GTF - ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/grch37/current/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.chr.gtf.gz
Now ungzip it somewhere memorable!
Just follow the instructions https://github.com/Oshlack/ALLSorts/wiki.
Ok, ALLSorts and the prerequisites above have been installed? You're good to go!
ALLSorts can be run with this script, note the parameter descriptions below:
bpipe -p results=$results -p type=$type -p strand=$strand _$COUNTSDIR/counts.groovy_ $bam
Feel free to make these environment variables (I tend to) or just directly insert them into the command line snippet above.
$results = /path/to/desired/output
$type = "bam"
$strand = "yes" or "no" or "reverse" # No and Reverse will be the two most used (no = unstranded, reverse = stranded typically)
$COUNTSDIR/counts.groovy should be the path /your/allsorts/clone/path/tools/counts/counts.groovy
$bam - the path to your bam files. Can be something as simple as /path/to/bams/*.bam, so long as the format parameter is set correctly.
If you have setup your prerequisite tools correctly, this should output a result fairly quickly! Just change the parameters as suitable for your environment.
bpipe -p results=/output/path/ -p type="bam" -p strand="no" $COUNTSDIR/counts.groovy /your/allsorts/clone/path/tests/bams/*.bam
The output will just be some collection of predictions, it's not a real sample, just a garbled mess of counts.
Please report any https://github.com/Oshlack/ALLSorts/issues!