This is depreciated and no longer works since Yahoo abandoned queries for retrieving from HTML tables. I have no intention to fix this as I no longer use this program.
This is a module for the Magic Mirror project for Raspberry Pi seen here:
I wanted to make my Magic Mirror show the live updated bus information for my particular bus stop so I knew when to leave the house. For this I made a YQL request to the Brighton Buses website to collect the bus information as a JSON file. I then use this to make an array containing the bus number, destination and time until arrival. This then is then appropriately ordered into a table which is shown on the Magic Mirror.
busStop: xxxx,
must be changed to configure the bus stop you wish to view. To find the appropriate bus stop I would recommend viewing remy's list of all Brighton Bus stops here and finding the 4 digit code for your bus stop.
should be changed to display your bus stop name.
busesShown: x,
may be changed to show more/less buses on the mirror.
refreshPeriod: xxxxx,
refresh period in ms for the bus info, too regular might piss off Brighton busses or Yahoo. Mine is 30000.
noBusesMessage: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
text to display if there are no buses on the schedule.
Change however you want the style to be.