A CNC machine powered by Arduino with the following features:
- Solving Flow game
- Drawing images
- Manual calibration
- Playing piano
- Sense 9 different issues that can damage the machine or lead to wrong results
- Fully expandable
- Contain power backup circuit
- Precise accuracy
A console application written in Java that establish asynchronous communication with the Arduino to control the CNC-Machine from the computer.
It allows the user to select one of the following tasks:
- Solve flow game.
- Paint photo on paper.
- Play piano from the keyboard.
- Calibrate the CNC manually.
The controller is designed in a fully expandable way.
All the logic to communicate and configure the CNC is encapsulated in CNCTask
So we can simply add new tasks by just extending CNCTask
class and implementing few methods
without the need to deal with the underlying logic for serial communications with the Arduino.
A C-program burnt on the Arduino that:
- Controls the motors and the sensors on the CNC machine and execute the instructions received from the controller program.
- Has a simple logic for protecting the CNC against some faults that might occur.
A C++ program that takes a screenshot for Flow game level, analyses it and perform one of the following tasks:
- Run an algorithm for solving the game level.
- Detect the "Next Level" button.
Finally, it returns an instruction-string that the CNC can perform.
A C++ program that takes an image and convert it into an instruction-string that the CNC can perform.