A WIP to add more useful basic functionalities to the gwizard example project.
$ mvn install
$ java -jar target/gwizard-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar properties.yml
java -jar target/gwizard-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar properties.yml stop
- Can build fat jar
- Use reflection to find services and resources
- Mysql support
- import.sql for tests
- Switched to Junit and EasyMock
- Tests for DAO, Service and Resource layer
- Shut down application from command line
- Configured logging to file
- BaseDAO, BaseResource
- Configurable initParameters for ServletContextHolder
- RestEasy @RolesAllowed enabled
- Custom authentication filter
- Returns 401 when authentication is not valid
- Returns 403 in case of role based restrictions
- Tests for authentication
- Params are also used to list RestEasy providers
- Custom exception mapping
- Registration (using bcrypt for passwords)
- Log in and log out
- Cobertura configuration in pom
- PersistFilter to start/end a UnitOfWork for every request, this creates and closes an EntityManager. Also starts and closes a transaction. No need to add @Transactional to every resource.