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Smart Contract - LiquidityMining

Smart contract for liquidity mining with OVR and WETH LPTokens.


  • Stake LPTokens to receive rewards.
  • Configure time-locked emission rates for different time lock periods.
  • Claim rewards based on time-locked emission rates.
  • Unstake all tokens after the time lock period and claim rewards.

Contract Details

  • Contract Name: LiquidityMining
  • Solidity Version: ^0.8.9
  • External Libraries: SafeMath, AccessControl, ReentrancyGuard, Pausable
  • Contract Dependencies: Store



    IUniswapV2Pair _LPTokens,
    IERC20 _OVR
  • Initializes the contract with the required parameters.
  • _LPTokens: The address of the Uniswap V2 pair contract for liquidity pool tokens.
  • _OVR: The address of the OVR token contract.


function configureLocks(
    uint128 _emissionPerSecond,
    Store.LocksIndex _timeLockIndex,
    uint128 _timeLocked,
    uint256 _maxOvrStakable
) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)

Configures the emission rate and time lock period for a given time lock index.

  • _emissionPerSecond: The emission rate per second for the time lock index.
  • _timeLockIndex: The index of the time lock period.
  • _timeLocked: The duration of the time lock period in seconds.
  • _maxOvrStakable: The maximum amount of OVR tokens that can be staked for the time lock period.

⚠️⚠️ How to calculate emissionPerSecond? ⚠️⚠️

  • emissionPerSecond = (N% / 100) / Seconds in a year (31536000)

  • Example:

    • 20% apr per year
    • emissionPerSecond = (20% / 100) / 31536000 = 0.2 / 31536000 = 0.0000000063419584 (has 16 decimals, add 0s to reach 18 decimals) = 0.000000006341958400 (18 decimals) = 6341958400

How rewards are calculated?

Contract calculates rewards based on the time-locked emission rate for a given time lock index. It takes the Delta time (current time - last time rewards were claimed), take the user's staked amount and the time-locked emission rate. multiply the emission rate for 1e18 to get the max precision possible, then multiply the result _ staked amount _ delta time and divide the result by 1e36 (since we multiplied the emission rate for 1e18 twice)


function stake(
    uint256 _amount,
    Store.LocksIndex _timeLockIndex
) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused

Stakes Amount of LPTokens to get rewards.

  • _amount: The amount of LPTokens to stake.
  • _timeLockIndex: The index of the time lock period for which the tokens are staked.


function claimRewards(
    Store.LocksIndex _timeLockIndex
) public nonReentrant whenNotPaused

Claims rewards based on the time-locked emission rate for a given time lock index.

  • _timeLockIndex: The index of the time lock period for which rewards are claimed.


function unstakeAll(
    Store.LocksIndex _timeLockIndex
) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused

Unstakes all tokens and claims rewards after the time lock period for a given time lock index.

  • _timeLockIndex: The index of the time lock period for which tokens are unstaked.

Pause deposit

    function pauseDeposit(uint256 unix) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        depositPaused = true;
        endStaking = unix;

Pauses deposit of LPTokens and stop rewards emission to the selected time.

  • _unix: The unix timestamp to stop rewards emission.


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