Author: / 2023-10-23
This program use the WS2812 tinygo driver, a Arduino Board and a push button to switch between different light modes.
Tinygo install is required and additional installs for flashing Arduino borads :
sudo dpkg -i tinygo_0.32.0_amd64.deb
Add path to bashrc:
nano ~/.bashrc
Scroll down to the end, add this line, press Ctrl+X then Y to save:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/tinygo/bin
tinygo version
tinygo version 0.32.0 linux/amd64 (using go version go1.22.0 and LLVM version 18.1.2)
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr
sudo apt-get install avr-libc
sudo apt-get install avrdude
tinygo flash -target=arduino-nano -port /dev/ttyUSB0 -monitor -scheduler=tasks -baudrate 9600 main.go
tinygo flash -target arduino -monitor -port /dev/ttyACM0 main.go
In order to flash your TinyGo programs onto the Arduino Nano33 BLE board, you will need to install the “bossac_arduino2” command line utility which is a special build of the BOSSA command line utilities.
Download the bossac_arduino2 program from
Extract the downloaded file to a directory on your computer.
Make sure to add that directory into your PATH.
tinygo flash -target=nano-33-ble -port /dev/ttyACM0 main.go
- Persist mode beetween reboot with Epromm storage :
- Monitor power voltage : If batteries are used need to switch card off under a certain voltage level