Custom application looks for new files in particular folders an S3 bucket and interacts with the Metadata API based on the data in the delimited file
- Obtained list of current OCLC Numbers based on a given OCLC Number
- Obtain list of merged OCLC Numbers based on a given OCLC Number
- Set Holdings based on a given OCLC Number
- Delete Holdings based on a given OCLC Number
- Add an LBD based on a given OCLC Number and 500 note data
Clone this repository
$ git clone {url}
or download directly from GitHub.
Change into the application directory
$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m pytest
usage: [-h] --itemFile ITEMFILE --operation
{getCurrentOCLCNumbers, retrieveMergedOCLCNumbers, setHoldingsbyOCLCNumber, deleteHoldingsbyOCLCNumber, addLBDs}
--outputDir OUTPUTDIR
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--itemFile ITEMFILE File you want to process
--operation {getCurrentOCLCNumbers, retrieveMergedOCLCNumbers, setHoldingsbyOCLCNumber, deleteHoldingsbyOCLCNumber, addLBDs}
Operation to run: getCurrentOCLCNumbers,
retrieveMergedOCLCNumbers, setHoldingsbyOCLCNumber,
deleteHoldingsbyOCLCNumber, addLBDs
--outputDir OUTPUTDIR
Directory to save output to
$ python --itemFile samples/oclc_numbers.csv --operation getCurrentOCLCNumbers --outputDir samples/getCurrentOCLCNumbers.csv
$ python --itemFile samples/oclc_numbers_holdings.csv --operation retrieveMergedOCLCNumbers --outputDir samples/mergedOCLCNumbers.csv
$ python --itemFile samples/sp_holdings.csv --operation setHoldingsbyOCLCNumber --outputDir samples/addedHoldings.csv
$ python --itemFile samples/my_retentions.csv --operation deleteHoldingsbyOCLCNumber --outputDir samples/removedHoldings.csv
$ python --itemFile samples/symbol_retentions.csv --operation addLBDs --outputDir samples/newLBDs.csv
Download node and npm and use the install
command to read the dependencies JSON file
$ npm install
- Install AWS Command line tools
- I recommend using pip.
- Create an AWS user in IAM console. Give it appropriate permissions. Copy the key and secret for this user to use in the CLI.
- Configure the command line tools -
- Make sure you add -- key/secret -- region
- Use the AWS Console to create a bucket. Note your bucket name!!!
- Create folder metadata_tasks/
- Add a sample csv file named getCurrentOCLCNumbers.csv with data to check for current OCLC Numbers
- Add a sample csv file named getMergedOCLCNumbers.csv with data to check for merged OCLC Numbers
- Add a sample csv file named addHoldings.csv with data to add holdings by OCLC Number
- Add a sample csv file named deleteHoldings.csv with data delete holdings by OCLC Number
- Add a sample csv file named LBDsToAdd.csv with data to add LBD records to OCLC Numbers
Alter s3-getCurrentOCLCNumbers.json to point to your bucket and your sample txt file.
Use serverless to test locally
$ serverless invoke local --function getCurrentOCLCNumbers --path s-getCurrentOCLCNumbers.json
Alter s3-getMergedOCLCNumbers.json to point to your bucket and your sample csv file.
Use serverless to test locally
$ serverless invoke local --function getMergedOCLCNumbers --path s3-getMergedOCLCNumbers.json
Alter s3-addHoldings.json to point to your bucket and your sample csv file.
Use serverless to test locally
$ serverless invoke local --function addHoldings --path s3-addHoldings.json
Alter s3-deleteHoldings.json to point to your bucket and your sample csv file.
Use serverless to test locally
$ serverless invoke local --function deleteHoldings --path s3-deleteHoldings.json
Alter s3-addLBDs.json to point to your bucket and your sample csv file.
Use serverless to test locally
$ serverless invoke local --function addLBDs --path s3-addLBDs.json
$ serverless deploy