This is a demonstration application written to how to interact with OCLC web service in Node.js. It uses best programming practices like
- dependency management
- object-oriented programming
- model view controller (MVC) code structures
- unit testing
- behavior driven functional testing
- continous integration
In a Terminal Window
$ cd {yourGitHomeDirectory}
$ git clone
$ cd devconnect-online-oclc-apis-101
$ npm install
$ cp test_config.yml prod_config.yml
$ vi prod_config.yml
Edit the following values
- wskey
- secret
- principalID
- principalIDNS
- institution
aws kms encrypt --key-id {kms_key_id} --plaintext fileb://prod_config.yml --output text --query CiphertextBlob --output text | base64 -D > prod_config_encrypted.txt
$ npm start
Point your web browser at the localhost address where these instructions will install it by default.
From the command line run
$ npm tests
$ npm run test_server
$ npm run cucumber_tests
For a step by step tutorial on this application see the tutorial section