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update website with list of good free software
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Fiskebeck authored and Fiskebeck committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent d65d2ff commit c6e44b5
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Showing 5 changed files with 3,022 additions and 18 deletions.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions INIKA_1.Rproj
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
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SaveWorkspace: Default
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default
EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: ISO8859-1
RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
2,803 changes: 2,803 additions & 0 deletions docs/Free_ressources.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions docs/index.html
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Expand Up @@ -2477,13 +2477,15 @@ <h2><a href="#content">INIKA website Content</a></h2>
<li><a href="#software-setup" id="toc-software-setup">Software
<li><a href="#workshop-november-2024" id="toc-workshop-november-2024">Workshop November 2024</a></li>
<li><a href="#other-external-ressources-that-might-be-useful-for-your-work" id="toc-other-external-ressources-that-might-be-useful-for-your-work">Other
external ressources that might be useful for your work</a></li>
<li><a href="#additional-information" id="toc-additional-information">Additional information</a></li>
<div id="postamble" data-toggle="wy-nav-shift" class="status">
<p class="author"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> NVI
INIKA team</p>
<p class="date"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> 19
<p class="date"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> 21
november, 2024</p>
Expand All @@ -2503,10 +2505,10 @@ <h1>Software setup</h1>
<p><a href="detailed_git_setup.html">Git setup</a></p>
<p><a href="WHONET_usage.html">WHONET setup</a></p>
<p><a href="Renv_guide.html">Restoring an R environment</a></p>
<p>Some setup also in: <a href="0_Before_we_meet.html">Preliminary
<p><a href="Installation_for_rendering_formats.html">Installation for of
Rmarkdown document rendering to word and pdf files format</a></p>
<p>Some setup also in: <a href="0_Before_we_meet.html">Preliminary
<div id="workshop-november-2024" class="section level1">
<h1>Workshop November 2024</h1>
Expand All @@ -2520,6 +2522,11 @@ <h1>Workshop November 2024</h1>
<p><a href="4_join_whonet.html">Chap 4. Using data directly from a
database (WHONET) and joining datasets</a></p>
<div id="other-external-ressources-that-might-be-useful-for-your-work" class="section level1">
<h1>Other external ressources that might be useful for your work</h1>
<p><a href="Free_ressources.html">Free but very good software you can
use for your work</a></p>
<div id="additional-information" class="section level1">
<h1>Additional information</h1>
<p>Do you want to use this material ? Please check out the <a href="">license</a></p>
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190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions workshops/202411_Rworkshop/Free_ressources.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
title: "`r params$title`"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
author: Eve Zeyl Fiskebeck
title: "Links to good Free Software ressources I know of"
project_path: "`r here::here()`"

knit: (function(inputFile, encoding) {
rmarkdown::render(inputFile, encoding = encoding, output_dir = "../../docs") })

css: ../style.css
self_contained: true
code_download: true
toc_depth: 4
df_print: paged
code_folding: hide
author: params$author
highlight: espresso
number_sections: true

wrap: 72

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Here you can find some links of software you can use for free[^1] and might be
useful for you also. Some might need a system administrator to install them
for you, others you can install alone.

**You do not need to install those software - But if you think they might ease
your work, do so. They might provide functionalities you need BUT do not
yet have yet**.

Feel free to suggest adding some several software to this list.

[^1]: for education & research, but not for anything commercial usually, see
the licences terms of each respective software for more information.

# Office software & Work

- [LibreOffice suite](
can be viewed as the equivalent to microsoft office suite. It includes among other
software equivalent to word, excel and powerpoint, and allow to open and save
documents into the same file formats as Microsoft office.

- [Freeplane]( . Freeplane is an amazing free mind-mapping software, its
very good if you need something visual to organize your thoughts. It might
be a bit un-intuitive to start with, but if you watch one or two videos on
youtube to help you start, this will easy. I still use in a simple way, which
is largely good enough to help me think.

- [Obsidian]( is a note taking software, knowledge database
and some more. The notes are written in Markdown, you can look at your R files,
tag notes by themes etc. It is a bit like an alternative to onenote, but the
functionalities can be extended by plugins. Its my definitive favorite, because
it allows me to write in markdown, and to link notes together. There are many
videos on youtube showing you how people can use it. (Its my number one working
tool, but maybe a bit scary for you to start with). You can also take
notes as drawings (like I used during the course). The plugging is called
`excalidraw`. Obsidian can be used in a simple way to manage projects and task,
take notes, write ideas osv... . There is a mobile app to allow notes taking on
the go. If you need to sync your notes, its possible to have a sync. via google
drive (its what I am doing).

- [Xodo]( Annotation and reading of pdfs. Maybe a bit limited functionality for the free version on windows, but excellent as android app.

# Portable software

[Portable Apps]( have a lot of software (`apps`) that can be
installed on a USB key and used on any computer without requiring administrative
rights on the computer. The complete list of current software can be found [here]( To install those, you either first install
a menu and then the apps, OR you install directly the app, but then you will have
to go to the folder where you installed it to launch it, by clicking on the file
that was created during installation and that ends with `.exe`.

Installing those software on an USB key (it might require to be big enough) can
allow you to have access to the same programs on different computers, if you
have to change between computers often, this might be an idea to use a usb key,
BUT it will be slower than installing on the PC.

Usually, software version that are available as portable app, are not at the
latest version, because it takes time to make a software to a portable software.
This is normal.

Here are the [Instructions for installation with the menu](

Here is a list of those that I really find very useful:

1. [Libre office - portable version](

1. [Drawio](
a workflow and diagram software. Allow to launch the app directly from your
computer, I am unsure though if it can be used when offline. I use it online,
through this webpage : [Drawio](

1. [Dia]( a simple tool that
allow to make workflow and diagrams. Great to organize your thoughts. Will work
without Internet access.

1. [Inkscape](
This is a vector graphic image editor. This software is usually a linux software,
but works on windows as a portable app. This is similar in a way to
_adobe illustrator_. (This is a most useful software for making illustrations).
There is some learning curve, but there are several good guides and video online to
help you how to use it.

1. [Gimp]( A photo
editor. This software is usually a linux software, but works on windows as a portable
app. This is similar in a way to _adobe photoshop_. It is not so easy to use as a
beginner, but there are several guides and video online to help you how to use it.
(I rarely need to use this one, but some people might need it).

1. [irfanview](
is a little software to allow you to view images saved in different foramts
with your computer.

1. There are several tools that allow you manipulate pdf files, eg. arranging,
rotating, viewing and taking notes. I use often [pdf arranger](, one of my
colleague uses [Sumatra PDF](

1. [Zotero portable]( is the portable version of the free (and fantastic) library
manager [Zotero]( Zotero can be linked to Rstudio, and
allows you to insert your bibliography in Markdown documents, so you can really
make a document that is ready to be submitted to a journal. It also comes with
the ability to take notes (also possible to take them in Markdown if you want
to train) for each paper you have in your reference manager, and
comes with a minimal but practical pdf annotator. For me, it beats Mendeley and
Endnote by far, but thats maybe a matter of taste.

1. [Calibre portable]( alow
not only management but creation of ebooks from different formats ... which allows
you to make most things readeable on the go (eg. when you transfer those to your
cell phone also, then it can be very practical). This is the portable version,
the normal version can be found [here](

1. [Thunderbird portable](
is an email client (you can download and then write answers to emails when you
do not have access to internet, and then send them when you again gain access to
internet). This is the portable version of the software, the normal version can
found [here](

1. [7zip portable]( is a
compression decompression utility. This is the portable version of the software.
(In case you do not always have this one on windows).

You have also have very good alternatives to windows file manager
(more practical). There is also File syncing that can be useful to make
backup of your files (eg. [Free File Sync]( and tools
for files comparison and merging (which is nice when you have different version
of the same file and do not know which one to use, I did not use those then
but it might be).

# Others

1. [Bitwarden]( is a password manager.
It can be used for free to manage your
passwords and fills them directly eg. using an app extension on your webrowser
(Firefox and Google chrome). There is a phone app also (at least android).
The paying version has a bit more option, but the free is as secure as the non-paying
to store passwords. This allows you to use more complicated passwords and not reusing
the same password to log into different sites. For the passwords stored on Bitwarden
to be save, you need however to use a difficult password to login (at least 14
long, with letters, numbers, upper and lower letters, and special characters) AND
a double identification system (2FA two factor authentication activated). There
might be better ones, but I know this one works for me.

# Useful online software/tools ressources

- [Excalidraw]( is a drawing tool that can be used online,
and shared between people, to be used as a white board (eg. during online meetings).
It works better though if you have access to a mouse (instead of the keypad). The
drawing can be saved (eg. .png).

- [Drawio]( is a drawing tool that can be used online.

- [Easy file conversion between file formats]( Madelains' link.

8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions workshops/index.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ Please click on the links to find go to the content.

[Restoring an R environment](Renv_guide.html)

Some setup also in: [Preliminary preparation](0_Before_we_meet.html)

[Installation for of Rmarkdown document rendering to word and pdf files format](Installation_for_rendering_formats.html)

Some setup also in: [Preliminary preparation](0_Before_we_meet.html)

# Workshop November 2024

[Preliminary preparation](0_Before_we_meet.html)
Expand All @@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ Some setup also in: [Preliminary preparation](0_Before_we_meet.html)

[Chap 4. Using data directly from a database (WHONET) and joining datasets](4_join_whonet.html)

# Other external ressources that might be useful for your work

[Free but very good software you can use for your work](Free_ressources.html)

# Additional information

Do you want to use this material ? Please check out the [license](
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