- Title
- Project
- Description
- Working
- Usage
- User Story
- Acceptance Criteria
- Project Outline
- Wireframe
- Preview of Web Application
- Technology
- Contribution
- Source
- This is a group project created using Handlebars, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Express, Handlebars, Sequelize, and Bcrypt
- Studdy Buddy is an application that pairs users looking to partner with a peer to work through a selected course topic, based on how they match up via a self ranking system.
- "Create Account" field stores users credentials and redirects to the assessment page
- "Login to Profile" field redirects user to their user profile
- "Update Assessments" field stores users entered scores (both initial and updated) into a database
- Database compares scores and matches user who is seeking a buddy (when "Find a Buddy" button is selected) to user who is waiting to help a buddy (when "Help a Buddy" button is selected) and is scored above the user who is seeking a buddy
- Chat box deploys between the paired users once a match is made
- "Logout" button allows user to leave the chat conversation and/or to logout of the application
- Open the initial interface deployed through Heroku
- The user can then create an account in the login page by completing the username and password fields
- They'll complete a self-assessment, ranking their confidence level among the listed course topics
- They'll click "find a buddy" to be paired with a peer who is ranked above them in the selected topic, to provide sufficient thought-partnering support
- They can click "help a buddy" to be put in a queue that will match them with someone who is looking for a buddy
- When there is a match they will be automatically moved into a chat conversation to start working with their partner
- They can click "logout" once they would like to leave the conversation
- The user can also update their assessment scores as often as they advance through any listed course topic, using the "update assessment" button
- They can also log back in with their user credentials when they would like to open a new buddy search or chat session
As a student, I want to be paired with a study partner to work together on a topic that I am struggling with and they can provide support in
- Given I open the Studdy Buddy application, then I am prompted to create a user account
- When I provide my credentials
- Then I am taken to a topic assessment page
- When I select my topic scores
- Then those scores are stored in a database and compared to other users' scores
- When I select "find a buddy"
- Then the database pairs me with a partner that is scored above me in the selected topic and I am automatically moved into a chat conversation with my matched partner
- When I have received the support I needed
- Then I can leave the conversation
- When I want to return to a session
- Then I can log back in to my account where my scores are stored
- When I have advanced in a particular topic
- Then I can update my scores
- When I want to lend support to somebody else
- Then I can click "help a buddy" to be in queue to help the next person in need of study support
Link to PowerPoint Presentation
- Amauri Rodriguez - Home Page and Chat Page (structure, style, and functionality)
- Hailey Loechler - Assessments Page (structure, style, and functionality)
- Shayna Murphy - Profile Page (structure, style, and functionality)
- Alison Paia - Login Page (structure, style, and functionality)