Hi, I’m @Nickrader, trying to git guud at programming.
I should've stayed in math/science in school, but, after two years,went into a business major instead :(
Many years later I decided to not only play video games (RTS, TBS, FPS), but start learning about the electronics that run them.
I bought a FDM printer kit and a Raspberry Pi and struggled to get it working. The benefit was I learned a lot just to get my first print.
After some fun with hardware, I realized software was the next logical step. All the nuts, bolts and motors in the world would do me little good, if I was unable to craft instructions. The same way a 3dprinter was of proportionally less value to me when I depended on others for .stl files before learning some basic CAD skills.
I speak, poorly, bits of French and German, but have always been interested in linguistics.
In college my professor introduced me to the IPA Handbook, which I found fascinating, the
description of human languages in a universal and systematic way.
I am a fan of the role that AI and Robotics can play in the realization of a Post-scarcity economy.
To scare myself at night, I ponder The Great Filter.
I love trees and mountains.