A Python Flask API to return geocoordinates for 1 or more simulated aircraft moving between user-defined waypoints
Use case:
- I need to have an api to query to show multiple aircraft flying on a map - specifically to simulate military aircraft flying between waypoints for a demonstration at satellite communications trade shows when simulating passing aircraft positional data passed over multiple hops through black and red side.
- I want to initally use python pickles to store the aircraft data for purposes of deploying this app to various servers with personnel who are non-technical
- I want to send a json file as a post request to set the aircraft to fly
- I want to use both lat long and US city state as mixed waypoints if desired or all us city or all lat long waypoints
- I want to query to start individual aircraft by name
- I want to query to start all aircraft in aircraft file
After launching the flask app.py
send post request to /CreateAircraft with body
"name": "clipclop",
"altitude": 10000,
"aircraft_type": "F-18",
"cruising_speed": 450,
"start_time": null,
"waypoints": [{"latitude": 33.128416, "longitude": -117.280023},{"latitude": 34.918010, "longitude": -117.891509}]
With one or more aircraft
Post request to /start
"aircraft_names": ["clipclop"]
where names is a list of aircraft names to start. This sets the current time to epoch used when calculated distance traveled so far to project the coordinate it would be at that time.
Get request to /AllAircraftPositions Returns json file showing aircraft name and current coordinates
Gets aircraft name, waypoints, distance bearing, etc (not current position) get request to /GetAllAircraft