This is an SSAT(Θ) solver extended from the SSAT solver ClauSSat. To compile, first configure CUDD package
$ cd src/cudd/; ./configure --enable-dddmp --enable-obj --enable-static; cd ../../;
And then compile by typing
$ make
To run, use the following command
$ ./claussat -s [SSAT(Θ)_file]
All the instances used in the experiments can be found under the directory "benchmarks/TSSAT/". The instances in the folder "MAX_PCTL" encoded the parameter synthesis problem while other instances are generated from SSAT instances.
- AAAI'24 paper:
@inproceedings{Fan_Jiang_2024, author = {Fan, Yu-Wei and Jiang, Jie-Hong R.}, title = {Unifying Decision and Function Queries in Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, DOI = {10.1609/aaai.v38i8.28637}, year = {2024} }
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