The purpose of this application was to familiarize myself more with React and CSS. I deployed it using Firebase, check it out here:
I followed along an 8-hour youtube stream, check it out:
I used React.js and CSS for frontend and Firebase for hosting and deploying the webpage. To create the project, I used create-react-app (this uses Babel for transpilation and Webpack for bundling resources).
Make sure to have the following installed in cmd (Windows 10) or bash (Linux):
- git (for windows download at, otherwise type 'sudo apt install git' into bash terminal)
- node >= 8.10
- npm >= 5.6
- Open your terminal (cmd or bash)
- Clone the repository onto your local machine (type 'git clone')
- 'cd' into the repository on your local machine (type 'cd amazon-clone)
- Type 'npm install' to get the necessary node_modules
- Type 'npm start' - this should open the project in your browser after a few seconds
- If nothing opens, open your browser and type 'localhost:3000/' into the address bar
- Routing Component from 'react-router'
- Read more here:
- Link Component from 'react-router-dom'
- Read more here:
- React Context API
- See StateProvider.js
- Read more here:
- Array.prototype:
- fill()
- map()
- Creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array
- Read more here:
- reduce()
- Executes a reducer function that you provide on each element of the array resulting in a single output value
- Used to calculate Subtotal of all items added to the basket (see Subtotal.js line 24 > getBasketTotal() > reducer.js line 7)
- Read more here:
- material-ui and material-ui/icons
- Provides UI Icons in the form of React Components (see line 61 in Header.js for an example)
- Check it out here:
- Use this to search for material-icons:
- React 'useEffect'
- React Hook for function components
- This will tell React that your component needs to be updated after performing DOM updates
- Similar to React class lifecycle methods 'componentDidMount', 'componentDidUpdate', and 'componentWillUnmount'
- See App.js line 14
- If the user has been authenticated (previously logged in), then the user will be logged back in automatically when refreshing or restarting the application
- Read more here:
- Firebase (see firebase.js for configuration)
- I haven't finished the entire tutorial (around 4 hours in)
- The next bonus part for the project is to implement a payment page and actually purchase a product using this application
- Maybe pulling actual amazon products and add searching functionality (currently the search bar is just an aesthetic touch)
- I also created a separate branch for a new feature: a drop-down menu for each product that allows you to choose a specific quantity to add to the cart
- So far the dropdown menu works
- In the Checkout page the subtotal calculation accounts for the quantity added per product
- The only issue is that the calculated subtotal isn't updating immediately after removing a product from the basket
- You can see the branch by selecting branch 'product-quantity-ui'