Converts a Markdown formatted file to Steam's proprietary BBCode format.
This tool is different from many of the other Markdown to Steam BBCode converters as it parses the text using the Markdig library rather than RegEx. Markdig is a DOM parser which makes Markdown parsing much more accurate.
MarkdownToSteam 2.0.0
Copyright (C) 2023 MarkdownToSteam
-i, --input Required. The full path to the file to parse.
-o, --output The file to output the result to. If not provided, will output to the console.
-r, --remove-relative-images Removes images that have a relative path
-b, --base-url (Default: ) Any relative URI's will be converted to absolute URLs using this URL as the base.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Markdown inline code blocks are rendered as italic text since Steam only supports multiline code blocks.
Markdown source | example inline code example |
Steam output | example inline code example |
Image links can be processes in a couple of ways:
Using the -r option, relative images links will be completely removed.
This can be used to avoid relying on a resource external to Steam and avoid needing to remove the links manually. The user would normally upload the images to the Mod's images area.
Using the -b option, the user can provide a base URI. That URI will be combined with any relative image URIs to create an absolute URI.
For example, directly linking github images:
Base URI:
Markdown image relative link:
![Counters Example](media/Example%20Diagram.png)
BBCode Result:
A link which is either plain text or use the same text for the link and the literal will not be rendered as a Steam [url]
For example,
and ([]
will both be rendered as
There is no visual or functional difference in the Steam translation.
If there is a Markdown element that is not translated, feel free to create an issue or contribute to this repo.