Welcome to my GitHub profile!
I'm Muhammed Šehić, a first-year student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, specializing in Software Development. Here's a bit about me:
- 🔭 Currently exploring the realms of programming, video editing, Photoshop, and game development alongside my academic journey.
- 🌱 Always learning and refining skills to stay ahead in the tech world.
- 💬 Passionate about movies, American TV series, and nostalgic Yugoslav music.
- 📫 How to reach me: Visit my contact page for more details or via the links provided below.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Around the time when I was born, this single was popular, which is ironic because I was born in it.
I'm driven by curiosity and a love for technology, with a knack for solving problems creatively. When I'm not coding or studying, you'll find me indulging in movies, binge-watching series, or diving into the world of gaming or game design.
If you're interested in collaborating on projects or just want to chat about tech, feel free to reach out via the links provided below.
Let's connect and build something awesome together!