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An interactive website that provides trivial information for movies and web shows. It's a place for netizens and movie enthusiasts to communicate with like-minded people.


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What it does 🤔

  • Our goal is to come up with a website that will provide trivial information about movies and web shows.
  • Providing users a minimalistic yet immersive experience.
  • Creating a place for like minded people to have a discussion on movies and web shows.
  • Providing users to Discover new movies and web shows. based on their interests.

Contents 🧧

  • Dashborad
  • Trending Movies and TV Series
  • Discover Movies and TV Series in different genres
  • Latest, Pupoular , Upcoming Movies and TV Series
  • Search Movies and TV Series
  • Movie and TV Series Details(Cast, Crew, Trivia, Photos, Videos etc.)
  • Recommendations for Each Movie and TV Series
  • Add and Remove from Watchlist
  • Trending Persons
  • Search Persons
  • Person Detail Page with Biography, Movies, TV Series and Gallery etc.
  • Image Carousel with Zoom
  • and More...

Tech Stack 👾

Demo 🌍

This app is Deployed to Vercel
View Demo

Prerequisites '✔

Required to install and run the software:

Run Locally 🚀

  1. Clone the respository locally
git clone
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory
  • TMDB API KEY: Get your TMDB_API_KEY by signing in to TMDB account. You can apply for an API key by clicking the "API" link from the left hand sidebar within your account settings page. You need to have a legitimate business name, address, phone number and description to apply for an API key.
  • FIREBASE TOKEN: Go to Firebase and navigate to Firebase Console. You need to Sign Up with you Gmail. Create an App and get your Firebase Token. You Also need to enable Google Sign In in the Sign-in methods. Enable Firestore in the Firebase Console and Create a Collection called users.
  1. Install the node_modules
npm install
  1. Start the Server
npm start

How to contribute? 💻

Contributing Guide

SnapShots 💻

Login Page

Trending Page

Movie Discover

Series Discover

Detail Page

Search Page

Trending Persons

Person Detail


An interactive website that provides trivial information for movies and web shows. It's a place for netizens and movie enthusiasts to communicate with like-minded people.




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