Draw kid program done with LeapMotion and JavaFX.
The gesture part is the following :
- One finger pointed and the position along z axis is negative -> drawing
- One finger pointed and the position along z axis is positive -> moving cursor
- One finger pointed and the position along z axis transitioned from positive to negative value -> new drawing line
- One hand opened (at least 4 fingers) the color chooser menu is displayed
- One hand opened the hand position is used to move the cursor (and choose a color by going through one)
You will need to separately download the LeapMotion SDK at https://developer.leapmotion.com/ and use its LeapJava.jar and associated native library to launch this program.
This Software has been tester with LeapDeveloperKit_release_win_1.0.9+8391
For any additional information you can contact me contact at mrlonee dot com or using www.mrlonee.com about page.